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  • Lip enhancement is also commonly referred to as lip augmentation, lip injections or lip rejuvenation
  • Our lip enhancement treatments are great for restoring fullness, plumping thin lips and treating lip lines and smokers lines.
  • Expected down time ranges from 0 – 3 days. Swelling will often be present and bruising may occur.
  • The duration of results can range from 6-12 months, depending on the product used and the individual’s response.

What Is Lip Enhancement?

Lip enhancement is a popular treatment for all ages at our clinic, but maybe somewhat surprisingly in the over 40 age groups. Having full, plump lips is often associated with youth, beauty and good health. Whether you were born with thin lips or your lips are thinning due to the natural ageing process, lip augmentation is a safe and effective way to enhance them.

Treatment for lines both above and below the lip borders is also a frequent and effective treatment which we perform.

The keys to getting excellent results are

  • a good assessment of the existing lip – shape, size and symmetry
  • a sensible appraisal of the desired outcome – for example, very small lips should not be made overly large
  • making the treatment comfortable – painful treatment is poor treatment
  • good technique from your injector – long experience and good training are essential

Before & After Lip Enhancement*

*Individual results may vary

What Is A Lip Enhancement Treatment Like?

The procedure generally takes about 30 minutes. Prior to injection, topical numbing cream and icepacks are typically used. The lips and occasionally the lip border are injected with a very fine needle. The comfort of the procedure is very important, and extra anaesthetic is provided as needed. The results are seen immediately, although swelling is common in this area and takes 24-48 hours to subside. We often provide anti-inflammatory medication post-procedure to lessen swelling.

Immediately after the treatment, you can expect some redness, swelling and tenderness  in the treated area. This is a normal reaction to the treatment and settles soon after. Bruising can occasionally occur. If you are prone to bruising, there are a few things you can do before your treatment to minimise this, so ask us about it when you book. The product may be felt in the lips for a period of time – this is normal and disappears as it integrates into the tissues of the lips.

It is useful to reduce post-treatment swelling by avoiding strenuous exercise, alcohol consumption, and heat for the first 24 hours. Ice or cool compresses may also assist.

How Much Does Lip Enhancement Cost?

At Skin Resus, lip enhancement treatment is tailored to your specific needs, so the price of the treatment is calculated individually. As a guide, smaller or first time augmentation is approximately $350, whilst a common fuller lip treatment will cost $550.

Treatment of fine vertical lip lines or fine peri-oral lines is usually performed with a lighter-grade treatment and is usually within a range of $199 – $299.

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When Will I See The Results?

Results can be seen immediately after lip enhancement, though some swelling and bruising may be present for a few days after. If you are having lip enhancement done for a special event, we recommend that you do this at least 4 weeks before. If you are prone to bruising, there’s a few things you can do before your treatment to minimise this – see below for our top tips to minimise bruising.

How Long Does Lip Enhancement Last?

Lip injections will usually last 6 – 12 months, depending on the product used and on your individual metabolism. Those with a fast metabolism will tend to need re-treatment sooner than those with slower metabolisms.

Are There Any Side Effects From A Lip Enhancement Treatment?

Lip enhancement treatment is very safe, but occasional side effects can occur. These include:

  • Redness and swelling around the injection site.
  • Bruising can occur at the site of the injections and can occasionally be quite marked.
  • Lumps may be felt, or less commonly seen in the treated area.
  • Movement or migration of the product can occur and is more commonly seen with large volume or excessively re-treated lips
  • Additional treatment may be needed to achieve the desired result.
  • Infection is very rare, but is possible with any procedure that pierces the skin.
  • Other very rare complications can occur. These will be discussed during your consultation.

Come into our Perth clinic for a free consultation with one of our Registered Nurses. Or contact us on 9284 0900 for more information on dermal filler treatment.

How To Minimise Bruising Before Cosmetic Injections

1 week before treatment:

Stop taking Aspirin (unless medically prescribed), Ibuprofen, vitamin E, gingko biloba, fish oil, green tea, St John’s Wort or other anti-inflammatory medications. these can increase the chance of bruising.

3 days before treatment:

Taking Arnica tablets (a natural supplement available at chemists and health food stores) before and after treatment has been shown to decrease bruising

24 hours before treatment :

DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages.

Read more about our other facial treatments including dermal fillers, Fraxel laser and Revlite laser

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Skin Resus

436 Cambridge Street
Floreat, Perth

T: 08 9284 0900
E: email@skinresus.com.au