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Fast Facts

Pigmentation Removal

Areas Treated:
Face, neck, chest (decolletage), shoulders, arms and hands, legs

Down Time:
0 – 14 days, depending on the area treated and device used

Results Duration:
Can be permanent, though with further sun exposure they will return

Solar lentigo, pigmentation, sun damage, freckles, ephelides

What are freckles and sun spots?

Freckles are clusters of concentrated melanin which appear on the skin as flat, tanned circular spots that usually develop on sun-exposed skin such as the face, nose, arms and shoulders. Freckles are usually small – about the size of a nail head – and are more often seen on fairer skins and often darken after exposure to sunlight. Freckles and sun spots are an almost unavoidable by-product of living in our wonderful Australian climate. And while freckles can look cute on a 12 year old, sun damage on a 40 year old is less cute, and can make add years to your appearance.

What treatments can remove freckles?

Of course the best form of treatment is prevention and we recommend that everyone should wear sunscreen every day, preferably SPF 50+ or stronger, as well as hats and clothing to further protect your skin. We have some great non-greasy sunscreens available in clinic or on our website.

Freckles can be very effectively treated in our clinic with IPL Rejuvenation or Revlite or Fraxel Laser treatment.

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Rejuvenation

*Individual results may vary

Freckles respond very well to medical-strength IPL Rejuvenation, particularly darker freckles on paler skins. At Skin Resus we use the US-made Cynosure Icon,  or Cynosure Starlux 500 IPL machines, both of which give great results. You will usually see a significant improvement after one treatment, but up to three treatments may be required for best results. The cooler months are a great time to get this done as it’s important to reduce sun exposure after the treatment (it’s best if you can before the treatment too). This is a beautiful treatment for the face, neck, chest and hands, and leaves the skin looking fresh and clear.

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Fraxel Laser

*Individual results may vary

This fantastic laser treatment is a revolutionary treatment for pigmentation, whilst also dramatically improving the tone and texture of your skin. Fraxel is great for treating freckles on tanned skins as it is safe to use on all skin types. You will usually see a great result after one treatment, though occasionally a second treatment may be required. The result: smoother,fresher, younger-looking skin.

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Revlite Laser

*Individual results may vary

The Revlite Laser is a specialist pigmentation laser – it’s the one we use to treat tattoos – and is great for very light pigmentation that can be resistant to other treatments. It’s also useful where there are are number of freckles over a large area, as our Doctors can very precisely treat individual spots. Most people see great results after one treatment , although additional treatments may be required depending on the condition being treated and the individual response.

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What treatment is right for me?

Still not sure what is the best treatment for your freckles? Don’t worry. Our experienced team of Doctors and Registered Nurses know how to treat pigmentation and will tailor a treatment program to suit you. Come in for a Free Consultation.

Read more about our other skin treatments including for IPL skin rejuvenation, laser tattoo removal and IPL hair removal

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Skin Resus

436 Cambridge Street
Floreat, Perth

T: 08 9284 0900
E: email@skinresus.com.au