What Is IPL Laser Hair Removal?
IPL and laser hair removal is changing the way we treat unwanted hair.
A short course of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) can replace the need for ongoing waxing, tweezing, shaving and bleaching. It can also stop or control folliculitis or ingrown hair problems.
In an IPL treatment, highly controlled flashes of intense filtered light are directed onto the skin. This light is absorbed by the melanin in dark hair and converted to heat. The heat then destroys the follicle without damaging the surrounding tissue. A course of approximately 8 IPL treatments are usually required, with each IPL session done 4 – 6 weeks apart.
After a course of IPL hair removal in our Floreat clinic most hair will not grow back at all, while other hair may grow back thinner and lighter in colour. For dark, thick hairs there is nothing better! With our specialist, medical-strength IPL equipment, Skin Resus can safely treat hair on all skin types, even in dark skin types.

Chloe, 24
Treatments: Hair Removal

John, 32
Treatments: Hair Removal

Rebecca, 21
Treatments: Hair Removal
Treatments for Hair Removal
- Revlite Laser
What Are IPL Laser Hair Removal Treatments Like?
Quick and easy! After your initial consultation, our Registered Nurse will move the IPL hand-piece over your skin. The hand-piece emits a light that destroys the hair follicles. Each pulse feels like a slight sting, similar to the snap of a rubber band. After the IPL treatment you may get some redness and swelling around the follicle (similar to what you can see after waxing) and you will sometimes feel a mild sunburn-like sensation, usually lasting less than an hour.
After your IPL treatment, the hair will appear to keep growing for 1-2 weeks, while the hair in the follicle is expelled. During this time, you can shave as often as you wish to keep your skin nice and smooth. After 1 – 2 weeks (depending on the area treated) the hair will fall out and then nothing will grow for the next 2 – 3 weeks, until just before your next treatment. While a course of IPL treatments are needed, you will usually see a big reduction in hair even after your first treatment.
Are There Any Side Effects From IPL Hair Removal Treatments?
IPL hair removal is very safe, however some side effects can occur. These include
- Some redness or swelling around the follicle may be seen after the treatment. This will usually settle within an hour.
- Darker skin types, for example Mediterranean and Asian skins, need to be treated more cautiously, although the risks are still low with our specialist equipment which can be adjusted to allow for skin colour.
- Crusting or blistering can occasionally be seen. This is rare but more common in darker or tanned skins.
- Fine hair or darker skin can be slow to respond, and in some cases an increase of hair growth has been seen. For this reason we may advise against treatment if you fall into this category. An alternative treatment for fine hair in dark skin is the Revlite (Q-switched YAG laser) which can provide excellent control with infrequent treatment.
- Hyper-pigmentation (brown spots) may occur, as can loss or reduction of pigment – both are very rare and will usually resolve within a few weeks to months.
- Lack of response: In rare cases, IPL hair removal will not work despite our best efforts.
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Revlite Laser
The Revlite laser is a Q-switched, short pulsed Nd:YAG laser which produces infrared laser light. It is our preferred option for treating fine hair, especially in darker skin types. It is a very safe option in these skin types with little chance of causing post-inflammatory pigmentation. In fact it is a good treatment as well for any pre-existing pigmentation which we see in folliculitis. Revlite laser treatment is quick and very comfortable. The face can be treated in 5-10 minutes. Downtime is also minimal. Fine hair usually requires treatment every 3 months to start for approximately 3 sessions, after which treatment is done on an as-needed basis. Often some maintenance treatment is required.
Other information about Hair Removal Treatments
Fast Facts
- IPL is great for dark hair, unwanted hair and those prone to ingrown hairs.
- Areas treated – include legs, underarms, bikini line, facial hair, back, chest and arms.
- Down time – the resulting down time is usually little or none.
- Duration of results is typically permanent, although individual results may vary and an occasional maintenance treatment may be required.
- IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light hair removal, and is commonly referred to as ‘laser’ hair removal, permanent hair removal or reduction, and IPL Hair Removal
Why Choose Skin Resus For Your IPL Hair Removal?
Quick, Effective, Medical Grade IPL
At Skin Resus, we use the Cynosure Icon and Palomar Starlux 500 IPL systems, which give great results and can safely be used on all skin types. Treatments with the IPL machines in our Perth clinic is very fast. Smaller areas – such as the underarms, upper lip or bikini line – can be treated in about 5 minutes. Lower legs or a man’s back can be treated in 30 minutes.
Fully Qualified Experienced Practitioners
At Skin Resus, all IPL treatments are performed by our very experienced Registered Nurses. In our Floreat clinic alone, we have performed over 10,000 IPL hair removal treatments.
It Hurts Less Than Waxing – Honestly
Another huge advantage of the both the Icon and the Palomar Starlux IPL machines is the integrated cooling. The handpieces of the IPL machines are constantly chilled, and this means virtually pain-free IPL treatments – plus it’s much safer for your skin. Most people tell us that IPL hurts way less than waxing.
Since the pulses of light penetrate the skin, you do not need to let your hair grow between treatments. This means you can shave or clip the hair as often as you like to maintain a smooth appearance in between IPL treatments.
Free Consultation & Test Patch
Not sure if IPL hair removal is for you? Come in for a free consultation and a test patch and see for yourself just how well it works.