What is a birthmarks?
Birthmarks are blemishes on the skin that are present at birth, or shortly afterwards. They can be vascular or pigmented, and a proportion them respond very well to modern laser treatments. They need to be differentiated from congenital naevi (moles) which are most commonly pigmented brown to dark brown and which become thickened over time. These are not generally treated with laser.
Birthmark Treated:
Port Wine Stain (PWS), red birthmark, vascular birthmark, brown birthmark, Cafe au Lait spot, Naevus of Ota
Condition: Vascular Birthmarks
Treatments: Revlite Laser
Condition: Pigmented Birthmark
Treatments: Revlite Laser
Treatments for birthmarks
- Revlite Laser
Intense Pulsed Light & Nd:YAG Laser
Vascular Birthmarks
A Port Wine Stain, or red birthmark, is the most common form of vascular birthmark in which swollen blood vessels create a reddish-purplish discolouration of the skin. Port Wine Stains will often thicken and darken with time. The traditional treatment is using Pulsed Dye Laser, but in our experience better results with less complications are obtained with Intense Pulsed Light and occasional use of Nd:YAG laser to gradually shrink the blood vessels. Treatment of red birthmarks with laser is a simple procedure. We often recommend using numbing cream prior to treatment (not EMLA brand though). The birthmark is treated after the application of cold air or ice to protect the skin. You will feel a small sting as the Doctor moves the laser over the skin. After treatment, you can expect swelling and bruising, and occasionally some blistering. The birthmark will then fade over the next 4 – 6 weeks. Multiple treatments will be needed to achieve the best result.
Revlite Laser
Pigmented Birthmarks
Cafe au Lait birthmarks are light tan or light brown spots that are usually oval in shape and can occur anywhere on the body. Naevus of Ota are blue or grey birthmarks that are commonly seen on Asian cheeks. We treat pigmented birthmarks with the Revlite Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser. During the treatment the laser is moved over the skin, each pulse feeling like the flick of an elastic band. After treatment the birthmark will darken in colour, before drying and flaking off over the next week or two, leaving a lighter spot behind. Further treatments can be done after 6 weeks and will continue to fade the birthmark. Sunscreen and sun protection are important after treatment to prevent re-pigmentation. Prescribed pigment fading creams may also be used. Not all birthmarks respond to laser treatment, and the length of a treatment course can vary considerably. Some birthmarks respond poorly – one example is Becker’s Naevus. Birthmarks on the legs can show some temporary hyper-pigmentation after treatment. Occasionally treatment of a brown birthmark will be performed with the ablative erbium laser. Loss of pigment or white areas can be another consequence of laser treatment. Speak to our doctors for more detail on your birthmark treatment.