Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Treatments
Arthritis, tendonitis and many soft tissue injuries and pain problems can be treated effectively with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) or glucose prolotherapy injections. Both treatments stimulate collagen production and aid healing where cartilage and ligament wear or damage has occurred. Examples include knee osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and greater trochanteric bursitis.
Treatments for Arthritis
- PRF injections
- Prolotherapy Injections
PRF injections
What is Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)?
Your blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and plasma (the liquid part).  Platelets form a vital part of the body’s healing process, when they release growth factors which stimulate collagen production and cell renewal.
PRF is plasma which the red and white blood cells have been removed, and the platelets concentrated. It is then injected into the tissues to stimulate collagen production and to re-energise your cells into rejuvenating themselves.
The product injected is 100% your own blood by-product. PRF is a natural cell stimulator. It works to increase collagen and repair worn or damaged cartilage and ligament tissues. PRF also has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves joint pain quickly after treatment.
What is PRF treatment like?
Just before your treatment a small amount of your own blood will be taken (about 10-20mls). This is then placed in a centrifuge to separate out the plasma and platelet portion. The platelet-rich fibrin component is injected into the joint under sterile conditions using a very fine needle. Most people find this treatment very well tolerated.
After the treatment mild swelling may be noted in the joint or area treated. Improvement in pain and mobility often follows within days of the treatment. We often recommend two treatments performed one month apart. The safety of the treatment has been excellent over a period of 20 years at Skin Resus.
How many PRF treatments will I need?
One to two treatments performed one month apart is recommended. For joint disease, once yearly maintenance treatment is desirable.
For ligament treatment, once repair has been achieved, no further treatment is needed.
Prolotherapy Injections
Prolotherapy is an alternative treatment to PRF and may be used for similar indications: joint wear and tear, ligament injury and tendonitis and bursitis. Strong solutions of glucose (30%) are injected into injured areas and stimulate collagen remodelling and repair, and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.
Prolotherapy in Knee Arthritis
Prolotherapy has shown good results in the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee.
At Skin Resus we have treated knee OA with both PRF and glucose 30% injections (prolotherapy) for over 20 years with very favourable outcomes and no complications.
Prolotherapy in Tendon Injuries
It has also been shown to be very useful in tendon injuries – for example Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, greater trochanteric bursitis, and extensor tendinopathy of the elbow (tennis elbow).
Dr David Main has also used PRF for treatment of low back and sacro-iliac area pain and injury.