What is tear trough treatment?
Tear troughs are the depression that sits between the lower eyelid and the cheeks. These are often genetic rather than a result of ageing, and can arise in the early twenties. Many people feel that these dark circles or hollows make them look tired or older that they really are. Tear trough treatment is a specialist procedure that can dramatically improve the appearance. Injections directly into the hollow under the eyes lifts the tear trough up, smoothing the skin and reducing the shadows. Whilst this sounds scary, it is quite a safe procedure in experienced hands.

Condition: Lifting Injections
Treatments: Tear Trough Treatment

Condition: Lifting Injections
Treatments: Tear Trough Treatment

Condition: Lifting Injections
Treatments: Tear Trough Treatment

Condition: Lifting Injections
Treatments: Tear Trough Treatment

Condition: Lifting Injections
Treatments: Tear Trough Treatment
Treatments for Dark Rings Under Your Eyes
- Lifting Injections
Lifting Injections
What is Tear Trough Treatment like?
Tear trough treatment is a simple process, and will usually take about 30 minutes. The injections are carefully placed into the skin under the eyes in small amounts with a very fine needle, lifting skin, filling hollows and masking shadows. While this can seem like a sensitive area, most people find this treatment comfortable. Local anaesthetic cream can be used if necessary. Injections of course are always directed away from the eye or orbital socket.
When will I see the results?
Results can be seen immediately after treatment, though some swelling and bruising may be present for a few days after. If you are prone to bruising, there’s a few things you can do before your treatment to minimise this, so be sure to ask us about it when you book.
Makeup can be applied right away (we’ll be happy to apply it for you) so you can walk out looking and feeling great.
We do recommend a follow-up or review appointment 1 – 2 weeks later where final adjustments can be made to the treatment.
How long does tear trough treatment last?
The treatment substances we use are broken down and metabolised by the body over time. Once a good correction is obtained (this may take 1 – 2 treatment sessions)results often last 2 – 3 years though this can vary from person to person, with many people experiencing very long-term results.
Other Information about the Treatment of Tear Troughs
Are there any side effects from tear trough treatment?
Treatment is very safe, but occasional side effects can occur. These include:
- Redness and swelling around the injection site
- Bruising can occur at the injection point and can occasionally be marked
- The presence of a visible lump – massage or dissolving enzyme treatment may be used to correct this
- Movement or migration of the substance – an uncommon late side effect which may require dissolving of the substance
- Additional treatment may be needed to achieve the desired result
- Infection and allergy to the substance are very uncommon
- Other rare complications can occur. These will be discussed during your consultation.
Come in for a free consultation with one of our Registered Nurses for more information about tear trough treatment.